SUNDIAL - över 6 miljoner underskrifter

Supporting United Nations Drug Initiative And Legislation

Resultatet av projekt Sundial, som är ett internationellt samarbetsprojekt för att mobilisera stöd för FN:s narkotikakonventioner om narkotika från frivilligorganisationer och enskilda individer i hela världen, överlämnas kommande vecka till presidenten för FN:s narkotikakontrollorgan INCB (International Narcotics Control Bord) och till chefen för UNODC (United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime).

Över 6 miljoner har skrivit under SUNDIAL-deklarationen, som ha följande ordalydelse:

We strongly believe that drug policy should be rooted in a balanced strategy of drug prevention, access to evidence-based treatment, international supply reduction based on global cooperation and good-will, and the highest standards of research.


We support the United Nations International Drug Conventions of 19611971, and 1988 which explicitly state that every member country must take measures to reduce drug use and the total harm resulting from the use of drugs.


We support the United Nations International Drug Conventions which discuss how member states must devote resources to reducing the demand and supply of drugs, and not cede to legalization efforts.


We support a strategy which recognizes that drug use and its associated consequences can be reduced by non-drug policy means as well, such as progress on global poverty and access to economic opportunity and basic health care.


We are proud to support this document as a declaration of hope, opportunity, and a brighter future.

Torgny Peterson


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