Storskojaren Bernard Madoff riskerar 150 års fängelse
Storskojaren Bernard Madoff som svindlat folk på miljarder dollar riskerar att dömas till 150 års fängelse om han döms för alla brott som han erkänt sig skyldig till.
Enligt åtalet har Madoff gjort sig skyldig till följande brott:
Securities fraud. Maximum penalty: 20 years in prison; fine of the greatest of $5 million or twice the gross gain or loss from the offense; restitution.
Investment adviser fraud. Maximum penalty: Five years in prison, fine and restitution.
Mail fraud. Maximum penalty: 20 years in prison, fine and restitution.
Wire fraud. Maximum penalty: 20 years in prison, fine and restitution.
International money laundering, related to transfer of funds between New York-based brokerage operation and London trading desk. Maximum penalty: 20 years in prison, fine and restitution.
International money laundering. Maximum penalty: 20 years in prison, fine and restitution.
Money laundering. Maximum penalty: 10 years in prison, fine and restitution.
False statements. Maximum penalty: Five years in prison, fine and restitution.
Perjury. Maximum penalty: Five years in prison, fine and restitution.
Making a false filing with the Securities and Exchange Commission. Maximum Penalty: 20 years in prison, fine and restitution.
Theft from an employee benefit plan, for failing to invest pension fund assets on behalf of about 35 labor union pension plans. Maximum penalty: Five years in prison, fine and restitution.