Hittills okända uppgifter om FARC-gerillan i "Raúl Reyes" dator - Sverige Norge Danmark

I den internationella utgåvan av Semana.com har tidningen i två avsnitt presenterat vad som för många varit okänd information om FARC-gerillans internationella kontakter i trettio länder - information som till stora delar kartlagts med hjälp av innehållet i Raúl Reyes* dator. Den intresserade kan läsa båda avsnitten. Som bekant har FARC-gerillan haft ett omfattande engagemang i den internationella narkotikahanteringen.

I första delen - The World of the FARC (EUROPE) skriver Semana följande om FARC-kontakterna i Sverige, Norge och Danmark.

Emails from the "Reyes" computer allowed for the full identification of FARC members who have sought refuge in Sweden. They also confirmed that for many years the guerrillas and their collaborators of other nationalities decided that Sweden was the ideal location as a propaganda "headquarters." It has been established that the Anncol webpage and the leftist Café Stereo radio information service received financing from the FARC, something that they had denied for years.

Several emails showed ties between the FARC and an organization known as Norwegian Socialist Youth League (SU). Several members traveled to Colombia to receive political and military training in guerrilla camps. In Norway they have raised money for the FARC and have hosted FARC guerrillas on their European trips.

The computer of "Reyes" showed the fundraising work and spreading of FARC documents by a Danish citizens group. One of the main FARC links is a Dane who appears in emails as "Carlos Mono." He was active in Copenhagen, Oslo and in Stockholm. "Carlos Mono" participated in the production of internal FARC documents and was decisive in the legal registration in Sweden of the Anncol agency, which disseminates information about the FARC. The emails from "Reyes" were key for Denmark's Eastern High Court in the arrest of six Danes from the group Fighters and Lovers, who offered support to the FARC by selling t-shirts with illustrations alluding to the guerrilla movement.

Du kan läsa den första delen, The World of the FARC (EUROPE), här.

Den andra delen, The World of the FARC (AMERICA) finns här.

*"Raúl Reyes" är ett alias. Hans riktiga namn är Luis Edgar Devia Silva. Han dödades av den kolombianska armén 1 mars förra året.

Torgny Peterson


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