World Forum Against Drugs

The 1st World Forum Against Drugs in Stockholm, September 8-10, 2008 - under the patronage of H.M Queen of Sweden - will gather people from all over the world who work against narcotic drugs at grass root level - professionals and activists, NGO:s and decision makers, researchers and artists, entrepreneurs, self-help groups and rehabilitation clinics, and others who want to reduce drug abuse and illegal drug trafficking.
During three days you can attend plenary sessions, workshops, presentations and debates.
Get updated on research, network and discuss important issues.
NGO:s and other participants have the opportunity to present their work in a global context. The international and Swedish movement of self-help groups will play a prominent part throughout the conference.
Venue: Stockholm, Sweden
Speakers include
H. M. Queen of Sweden
Antonio Maria Costa, Italy, Executive Director of the UNODC (United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime)
Robert L. DuPont, USA, psychiatrist, former Director General of The National Institute on Drug Abuse
Tania Major, Australia, criminologist, working with indigenous youth. In 2007 the youngest ever individual to be elected Young Australian of the Year
Alejandro Vassilaqui, Peru, Executive Director of CEDRO, Center of Information and Education for Drug
Abuse Prevention in Peru
Christina Oguz, Sweden, head of the UNODC (United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime) in Kabul, Afghanistan