Kommentarer om studie av "medicinsk marijuana"
Nyligen redovisade forskare vid University of California, San Diego School of Medicine att smärtlindringen var större vid användning av cannabis än vid användning av placebo.
Fyra läkare i USA kommenterar kort studien på följande sätt:
First of all, the marijuana is compared to placebo, not other effective agents. When it was compared to other agents, it was no more effective than available prescribed drugs. Additional studies have demonstrated that marijuana has a narrow therapeutic window and can actually enhance pain at certain doses. When you couple this erratic performance with the fact that standardizing doses can be difficult and the substance is smoked, it creates significant concern over the use of marijuana as a medicine.
The best route is to identify effect individual cannabinoids and isolate or synthesize them. This is consistent with the FDA processes for bringing medications to the public.
Study abstract lacks specific details on exact method of study design. How can one have a truly double blind study when the active drug has significant mood and mind-altering properties compared to placebo. How were the volunteers chosen? Were they highly experienced marijuana smokers? How many had "dirty" urines before the study actually started (before receipt of active THC cigarette? What was the percentage of THC in the cigarette? How long did the pain relief last? Notice that all participants were kept on their other pain medications during the study? Perhaps it was the combination of other pain reliever with the THC that worked rather than the THC alone? Lots of problems and I did not have the actual study protocol for more details.
Similar to pharmaceutical companies sponsoring drug trials for FDA or other use, there always is bias in the results. Nevertheless, it would have been of greater scientific value if they had isolated the cannabinoids and determined which were effective for pain relief. using the plant is a shotgun approach, clearly intended (in my opinion) to support California's lax mj regulations.
I am glad to comment on this paper: This is a very poor study. They did not say if they used controlled marijuana joints from the Federal Government. You cannot do any study with just any regular joints. Then, since all marijuanas contain so many psychotropics (at least we know of three CNS depressants), whenever you give a sedative of any kind (in this case marijuana joints), there will be a mild reduction in pain. This is also a very subjective way of analyzing how the pain was reduced.
And thirdly and most important, when, in medicine we have excellent treatments for chronic neuropathic pain , like amitriptyline, and the newest Cymbalta, and Lyrica, all double blind studies should be done comparing NOT WITH A PLACEBO, but with well known medications that we know relieve neuropathic pain. !
Another hoax study, just to keep the propaganda for "medical marijuana".
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Den intresserade också läsa nedanstående bok, Principles and Practice of Clinical Trial Medicine, som innehåller väsentlig information om klinisk forskning.
Torgny Peterson