I folkupplysningens tjänst - ny intressant forskning

Följande forskningsmaterial bör vara av intresse:

Long lasting consequences of cannabis exposure in adolescence

Excessive Brain Volume Loss Over Time in Cannabis-Using First-Episode Schizophrenia Patients

Cannabis, Inhibitory Neurons, and the Progressive Course of Schizophrenia

SAM survey on "drugs and fatal accidents": search of substances consumed and comparison between drivers involved under the influence of alcohol or cannabis

Pharmacotherapy and psychotherapy in cannabis withdrawal and dependence

Social capital, political trust and experience of cannabis smoking: A population-based study in southern Sweden

Age of Methylphenidate Treatment Initiation in Children With ADHD and Later Substance Abuse: Prospective Follow-Up Into Adulthood

Growing Up With Autism: Working With School-Age Children and Adolescents

Torgny Peterson


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