Belgien börjar med harm production
Från den belgiska staden Liège meddelas att det nu är dags för harm production, dvs utdelning av heroin till heroinister. Och i Liège snålar man inte när det gäller att hålla kvar missbrukarna i heroinmissbruket. Enligt uppgifter i Metro Times handlar det om gratis utdelning av heroin till de 200 heroinister som inledningsvis ska delta.
Idén med att förse heroinister i Liège med heroin är ingen ny idé. De senaste 5-6 åren har diskussionerna pågått och nu har man kommit till (heroin)skott med hjälp av statliga medel.
Regeringen medverkar i projektet genom att ge ett bidrag på 3,3 miljoner euro (cirka 30 miljoner SEK). En utvärdering presenteras först 2010 vilket, precis som i det schweiziska exemplet, ger möjligheter att ändra målsättning, antal deltagare mm utan insyn.
Det Wien-baserade FN-organet INCB (International Narcotics Control Board) ställde sig redan i årsrapporten 1997 kritisk till ’marknadsföringen’ av heroin (bland annat i paragraferna 367-369 i den årsrapporten:
367. In July 1997, the Swiss Government made known its own evaluation of the project, under which heroin had been administered to about 1,000 heroin addicts. It claimed that, for a limited number of addicts who could not be reached by other means, the medical distribution of heroin, accompanied by health and social support services, led to some positive results. The Board is concerned that the announcement of those results and a subsequent national referendum on the Swiss drug policy have led to misinterpretations and hasty conclusions by some politicians and the media in several European countries. The Board regrets that, before the evaluation by WHO of the outcome of the Swiss experiment, pressure groups and some politicians are already promoting the expansion of such programmes in Switzerland and their proliferation in other countries. The Government of the Netherlands has already submitted to the Board estimates for heroin to be used in conducting a similar project. The Board expressed the same reservations about that project as it had expressed about the Swiss project and firmly believes that no further experiments should be undertaken until the Swiss project has undergone full and independent evaluation.
368. The Board is not convinced that the limited positive results claimed by the Swiss Government can be attributed solely to the distribution of heroin itself, as many other factors, such as the prescribing of other controlled drugs and intensive psychosocial counselling and support, were involved.
369. The Board looks forward to the medical and scientific evaluation by WHO and expects that the findings will be communicated to the Commission on Narcotic Drugs, which has consistently recommended prohibiting the use of heroin (for example, in Commission resolution 5 (S-V) of 23 February 1978 and Commission resolution 2 (XXXII) of 11 February 1987).
Schweiz gick sålunda redan i början av 1990-talet i bräschen när det gäller att hjälpa till att hålla heroinister kvar i sitt missbruk. En historielektion om vad som egentligen hände i Schweiz kan därför vara på sin plats. För ändamålet kan texten Combating drugs in Switzerland – a model? rekommenderas där du också hittar ytterligare information om kritiken från såväl INCB som WHO.
Torgny Peterson
Idén med att förse heroinister i Liège med heroin är ingen ny idé. De senaste 5-6 åren har diskussionerna pågått och nu har man kommit till (heroin)skott med hjälp av statliga medel.
Regeringen medverkar i projektet genom att ge ett bidrag på 3,3 miljoner euro (cirka 30 miljoner SEK). En utvärdering presenteras först 2010 vilket, precis som i det schweiziska exemplet, ger möjligheter att ändra målsättning, antal deltagare mm utan insyn.
Det Wien-baserade FN-organet INCB (International Narcotics Control Board) ställde sig redan i årsrapporten 1997 kritisk till ’marknadsföringen’ av heroin (bland annat i paragraferna 367-369 i den årsrapporten:
367. In July 1997, the Swiss Government made known its own evaluation of the project, under which heroin had been administered to about 1,000 heroin addicts. It claimed that, for a limited number of addicts who could not be reached by other means, the medical distribution of heroin, accompanied by health and social support services, led to some positive results. The Board is concerned that the announcement of those results and a subsequent national referendum on the Swiss drug policy have led to misinterpretations and hasty conclusions by some politicians and the media in several European countries. The Board regrets that, before the evaluation by WHO of the outcome of the Swiss experiment, pressure groups and some politicians are already promoting the expansion of such programmes in Switzerland and their proliferation in other countries. The Government of the Netherlands has already submitted to the Board estimates for heroin to be used in conducting a similar project. The Board expressed the same reservations about that project as it had expressed about the Swiss project and firmly believes that no further experiments should be undertaken until the Swiss project has undergone full and independent evaluation.
368. The Board is not convinced that the limited positive results claimed by the Swiss Government can be attributed solely to the distribution of heroin itself, as many other factors, such as the prescribing of other controlled drugs and intensive psychosocial counselling and support, were involved.
369. The Board looks forward to the medical and scientific evaluation by WHO and expects that the findings will be communicated to the Commission on Narcotic Drugs, which has consistently recommended prohibiting the use of heroin (for example, in Commission resolution 5 (S-V) of 23 February 1978 and Commission resolution 2 (XXXII) of 11 February 1987).
Schweiz gick sålunda redan i början av 1990-talet i bräschen när det gäller att hjälpa till att hålla heroinister kvar i sitt missbruk. En historielektion om vad som egentligen hände i Schweiz kan därför vara på sin plats. För ändamålet kan texten Combating drugs in Switzerland – a model? rekommenderas där du också hittar ytterligare information om kritiken från såväl INCB som WHO.
Torgny Peterson