Kommentarer från förespråkare för legalisering

Många av de herrar, de är främst herrar som låter göra sina röster hörda i legaliseringsbranschen, har gjort uttalande om sin ’agenda’ som kanske inte så många känner till.

Vid läsning av texter av nedanstående personer kan följande citat från en konferens vid Harvard Law School den 21 maj 1994 vara av visst intresse.

Ethan Nadelmann, Lindesmith Centre, numera Drug Policy Alliance
 “We therefore have to offer strategies due to harm reduction to combat prohibition … since legalization is a poor term and won’t work for us … Don’t talk about legalization; talk about prohibition … When this prohibition is overthrown, we will be like the allies after WWII … The silver lining is that the persecuted smokers will identify with heroin addicts.”

Erik Fromberg, activist från Nederländerna
 “Harm reduction is nonsense. The real aim is the legalization of all drugs.”

Mark Kleiman, idag professor I Kalifornien
 “Have to keep drugs cheap enough for people to be able to afford them on their social benefits.

Arnold Trebach, tidigare Drug Policy Foundation, nu president International Antiprohibitionist League
 “I think the greatest obstacle to reform, to achieving harm reduction, never mind going beyond that, where I think we are going to have to go eventually, to legalization.”

Torgny Peterson


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