Lack of visible cannabis rocket scientists a threat to US

As long as snake oil marijuana doctors and their allies are allowed to spread the false impression that smoking crude marijuana has anything to do with medicine, without being refuted, the U.S. will get the drug policy and drug related problems it deserves.

The snake oil doctors and their criminal entourage, i.e. marijuana "clinics", pose a serious threat to the general public in the U.S. as does LEAP, a conglomerate of partly retired, partly disillusioned law enforcement officers.

How come U.S. citizens in several states accepted to be tricked into believing that smoking crude marijuana would come anywhere near what any intelligent citizen elsewhere wouldn't regard as medicine?

It is time to reveal the official hymn of the snake oil doctors, who by singing the following hymn to anybody who cares to listen, try to give you a bad conscience if you refuse to agree with them:

Do you have the audacity

To doubt the snake oil doctor's veracity

Or even to insinuate

That he would prevaricate

If so dear citizen

Your disposition is beyond the snake oil doctor's comprehension.

It is time for serious scientists to enter the stage.

Torgny Peterson


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