Den politiska deklarationen från toppmötet i Wien

Du har nu möjlighet att läsa den politiska deklarationen från toppmötet om narkotika i Wien.

I deklarationens inledning konstaterar man, We are determined to tackle the world drug problem and to actively promote a society free of drug abuse in order to ensure that all people can live in health, dignity and peace, with security and prosperity.

I deklarationens andra punkt kan vi läsa att We, the States Members of the United Nations reaffirm also that the ultimate goal of both demand and supply reduction strategies and sustainable development strategies is to minimize and eventually eliminate the availability and use of illicit drugs and psychotropic substances in order to ensure the health and welfare of humankind and encourage the exchange of best practices in demand and supply reduction, and emphasize that each strategy is ineffective in the absence of the other;

Betydelsen av FN:s narkotikakonventioner betonas i punkt 3 av dokumentet, We, the States Members of the United Nations assert that the world drug problem is most effectively addressed in a multilateral setting and that the three international drug control conventions and other relevant international instruments remain the cornerstone of the international drug control system, and urge all Member States that have not yet done so to consider taking measures to ratify or accede to those instruments.

I deklarationens 5:e punkt bekräftar man bland annat på nytt den politiska deklaration som antogs vid UNGASS (United Nations General Assembly Special Session on Drugs) 1998.

Kvinnors behov och betydelse i arbetet mot narkotika tas upp i punkt 9 och frivilligorganisationernas viktiga insatser i punkt 10.

I punkt 12 påtalas behovet av helhetsgrepp för att bekämpa the unprecedented surge in illicit opium production and trafficking, the increasing cannabis production and trafficking and the increasing diversion of precursors , as well as the related distribution and use of illicit drugs...

Behovet av att fortsätta att öka allmänhetens kunskaper tas upp i punkt 14 - We, the States Members of the United Nations decide to continue to raise public awareness of the risks and the threats posed to all societies by the different aspects of the world drug problem.

I 16:e punkten betonas vikten av CND:s och INCB:s roll - We, the States Members of the United Nations reaffirm the principal role of the Commission on Narcotic Drugs and its subsidiary bodies, together with the International Narcotics Control Board, as the United Nations organs with prime responsibility for drug control matters, and decide to promote and facilitate the effective implementation of and follow-up to the present Political Declaration and its Plan of Action.

Punkt 17 behandlar UNODC:s function -  We, the States Members of the United Nations reaffirm also our support and appreciation for the efforts of the United Nations, including those of the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime as the leading entity in the United Nations system for countering the world drug problem, reiterate our intention to continue to improve the governance and financial situation of the Office, stressing the need for adequate and stable financial resources to enable the Office to fulfil its mandates effectively, and request the Office to continue its efforts to carry out all its mandates under the international drug control conventions, as well as other relevant international instruments, and to continue to cooperate with relevant regional and international institutions and Governments by providing, inter alia, technical assistance to Member States that request it;

I deklarationens 22:a punkt återkommer man till frågan om ett samhälle fritt från narkotikamissbruk - We, the States Members of the United Nations reaffirm consistent with the objective of promoting a society free of drug abuse, our determination, within the framework of national, regional and international strategies, to counter the world drug problem and to take effective measures to emphasize and facilitate healthy, productive and fulfilling alternatives to the illicit consumption of drugs, which must not become accepted as a way of life;

Vikten av att arbeta med och för ungdomar tas upp i punkt 23 - We, the States Members of the United Nations reaffirm also our commitment to invest in and work with youth in a range of settings, including in families, schools, workplaces and communities, by raising public awareness and providing youth with information, skills and opportunities to choose healthy lifestyles, taking into account the World Programme of Action for Youth to the Year 2000 and Beyond, and working in coordination with the United Nations Programme on Youth of the Department of Economic and Social Affairs of the Secretariat;

Punkterna 24-26 behandlar arbetet mot illegala odlingar och prekursorer.

I punkterna 27-30 uttrycker den politiska deklarationen stor oro över det våld som utövas av kriminella organisationer - We, the States Members of the United Nations express deep concern at the growing violence resulting from activities of criminal organizations involved in drug trafficking, and call for urgent measures to prevent those organizations from acquiring the means, in particular firearms and ammunition, to pursue their criminal activities;

I punkt 36 betonas återigen, på samma sätt som i den politiska deklarationen från 1998, behovet av att utrota eller avsevärt minska illegala odlingar - We, the States Members of the United Nations decide to establish 2019 as a target date for States to eliminate or reduce significantly and measurably:

(a) The illicit cultivation of opium poppy, coca bush and cannabis plant;

(b) The illicit demand for narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances; and drug-related health and social risks;

(c) The illicit production, manufacture, marketing and distribution of, and trafficking in, psychotropic substances, including synthetic drugs;

(d) The diversion of and illicit trafficking in precursors;

(e) Money-laundering related to illicit drugs;

Benämningarna "harm reduction", "risk management" eller "risk minimization" förekommer överhuvudtaget inte någonstans i den politiska deklarationen.

Du kan läsa hela Draft Political Declaration här.

Plan of Action - Part I Demand Reduction and Related Measures och Part II Supply Reduction and Related Measures kan du läsa här.

Torgny Peterson


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