CannaZine Cannabis News bommar igen

Legaliseringssajten CannaZine lägger ner sin verksamhet eftersom man saknar stöd för det man håller på med.

I tack- och avskedstalet säger man,.. in the UK, through a mix of apathy and dare I say, subversive elements in the community, the law was allowed to be changed, bringing more police enforcement, more court cases, and more jail sentences.

Its all good and well skinning up another joint as you type into your computer, whinging and complaining on whatever forum your frequent, how the government are "this" and the government are "that".

But the fact is, its the apathetic attitude of the wider cannabis community in the UK, that allowed this to happen. You only have yourselves to blame.

Alas we simply can't afford to run the CannaZine at a loss any longer, doing a job it seems no one really wants it to do, so at some stage in the near future we will straighten out the CannaZine Google News portal, remove all of the cannabis/marijuana material, and change our focus, opening the doors as a regular, run of the mill PR/News portal for mainstream news, in the hope we can generate enough ad-revenue to pay our bills.

Vi tackar för det.

Torgny Peterson


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